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Amenities are integral part of executing a successful event. Clean and hygienic toilets will keep people on site longer and in a much better mood / headspace to engage. The longer the event, the greater the difference having pleasant amenities makes.

We have extensive experience and specialise in catering for:

  • Festivals

  • Concerts

  • Sporting events

  • Weddings

  • Camping

  • Corporate functions

  • Fundraisers

  • Private parties

There are many considerations to assessing the needs of an events, including but not limited to:

  • Numbers of people expected to attend

  • Average length of stay on-site per patron

  • Duration of event

  • Whether the event is pre-ticketed and numbers known or unticketed

  • Food and beverage consumption

  • Flow of patrons (e.g. half-time at the football, casual or in-between music sets)

  • Site layout

  • Special access requirements (including change facilities)

Like our Mum’s used to say to us growing up, “if you fail to plan you plan to fail”, so let us take the worry away and help you deliver a highly successful event – whether a multi-day festival, private party or otherwise.

If you're planning a large event and would like a starting guide on how many toilets you may need for your event, a good (although very generic) start is Manual 12 of the Australian Disaster Resilience Handbook Collection (Safe and Healthy Mass Gatherings). Below are replications of data from the manual. The first table shows an alcohol-free event, with the second illustrating the Manual's recommendation for an event with alcohol served. Both assume a 1:1 female to male ratio.

DRH Man12_edited.jpg
Planning Your Event: About
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